The Donald W. Wood, Sr. Vocal CompetitionSubmission Information and Requirements

Repertoire Requirements 

Three song selections: 

  • One song or aria in French, German, Italian, or any language other than English.
    • The selection may not be musical theater. 
  • One art song in any language other than English. 
  • One art song or a legit musical theater piece in English.
    • Legit Musical Theatre refers to musicals and songs that require a more traditional and classically trained vocal style to perform.”
  • All submissions must be performed from memory.  

Submission Requirements 

  • All submissions must be audio and video recordings.  
  • Submissions should be provided via YouTube links.
    • Do not include your name or identifying information in the title of the video or link. 
    • There should be one link per submission. Three links in total. 
    • Make sure links are working before submission. 
  • Participants should announce the title, work (if applicable), and composer of each selection at the start of the video.
    • Example: Today I will be performing (Title) from (Work) by (Composer) 
    • Please do not announce your name.  
  • Videos should be recorded in portrait layout (not landscape). 
  • Record your selections with live piano accompaniment OR pre-recorded piano accompaniment.
    • Accompaniment must be piano only.
      • Synthesized orchestras and pre-recorded live performances (recitals, concerts, and other competitions) are not permitted.   
  • Individual selections cannot be edited in any way.
    • Do not make cuts in your videos. 
    • Do not use special effects (dissolves, fades, or wipes, etc.)  
  • Please see “Recording Tips” for more information on recording your selections.  

Judging Criteria  

  • Tone Production 
    • Resonance and timbre appropriate to the style, clarity of onsets and offsets, etc.  
  • Technique
    • The degree to which the performer has acquired control of the voice (appropriate to age) 
  • Diction
    • Accurate pronunciation and effective articulation  
  • Intonation
    • Tuning is accurate throughout range 
  • Interpretation 
    • Thorough and demonstrated understanding of the text 
  • Phrasing  
    • Dynamic flexibility as appropriate to the style as well as composer intent (music markings).  
  • Accuracy
    • Pitches and rhythms performed precisely.  

Recording Tips 

  • Use a fixed camera shot.
    • Consider using a tripod to hold your phone/camera. 
  • Make sure to position your phone/camera to capture as much of your body as possible while still being able to make out facial expressions.
    • Do a test run, watch the video back, and adjust as necessary. 
  • Make sure the image is in focus. 
  • If you are using a pre-recorded track, make sure we are able to hear your voice clearly over the recording.
    • Do a test run, watch the video back, and adjust the recording volume as necessary.  
  • If possible, practice your piece in the space you plan to record. Record your practice session and check for additional sound and lighting issues.
    • Sound – Make sure acoustics in the room are suitable for a recording 
    • Lighting – Make sure the room is well lit. Judges should be able to see your face clearly. Avoid glares and overexposure. 

How to Submit 

  • Complete and submit the application found on the New Orleans Opera Association website here.
  • Submissions are due no later than November 6, 2023 
  • E-mail your video links to by 11:59 PM on November 6, 2023.
    • All submissions should be in the form of YouTube links.  
    • List your name only in the subject line of your e-mail. 
    • In the body of the e-mail include:
      • The three separate links 
      • The song/aria title, work (when applicable), and composer for each link
  • Please email or with any questions regarding your submission. 

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